Exercise Physiology Brisbane (EPB) specialise in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, and combine an in-depth analysis of functional anatomy with a biomechanical approach to target patient health needs and goals. We are passionate about improving patient quality of life, and use functional exercise techniques to improve neuromuscular imbalances, chronic pain management, posture and co-ordination. EPB also have knowledge and experience in the area of gut health, exercise genomics and chronic disease management.
Ty, Camilla and Todd have over 40 years' experience between them. Treatment services and advice are based on up-to-date research and our extensive experience within the preventive health and rehabilitation field. Ty, Camilla and Todd like to practise what they preach and participate in a variety of sports, including football/soccer, endurance events (triathlons, running), surfing and touch football. Whether you are looking for injury prevention or management, chronic disease prevention advice or sports-specific training, EPB can assist you!